Advanced Adult Class Registration
Currently there are NO Advanced Classes offered.
Are you here for looking to setup a Team Class?
That’s great! We currently are looking for teams that want to offer a team class.
If you are looking to book a private team class, please email our Program Director to set up your day and time!
Riders with previous experience will still register for Adult Track Classes. If you think you have a group of advanced riders that could fill up a class, reach out and let us know.
Read more about the Advanced Classes below.
What’s different about the Advanced Class?
More racing, faster upgrades, for experienced cyclists only! You must have a current USAC license and be a recognized road Category 4 or higher to participate in this class. Participants will be brought up to speed on the specifics of track racing while tailoring the content to riders with more racing experience!
As with all classes, the priority for this class is ensuring that track racers understand the rules and requirements for safe racing on the velodrome. In fact, the only way to upgrade from Cat 5 to Cat 4, is to show safe racecraft. Fitness plays almost no part. The strictness on safety is something everyone benefits from. In 2019 there were only 2 crashes in the 200+ races that were held at JBMV.
This class will spend less time on drafting and pack concepts, as participants will already have that knowledge from road racing. There will be a greater emphasis, however, on variations of track races as well as the tactical differences between them. Best of all, you’ll get to try lots of them!
What comes after?
After the Advanced Class:
Racenight certification – on Monday Nights, race a regularly scheduled racenight of three races to reinforce and demonstrate the safety skills from the class. Typical minimum of 1, included in Advanced Class fee. Then:
Cat 4 Racing: From this class, start with 5 of 20 upgrade points already. Racing on Wednesdays, every other Friday and select Sundays, maximum of 5 points per night (doable in 1 week if you are the fastest!)
Cat 3 Racing: Eligible to race the big show on Friday Nights. Upgrade points on Fridays and select Sundays.
You can read all about upgrade info HERE!
The $40 class fee includes:
- 4 hour class with loaner bike (if needed)
- 1 FREE Beginner Night Race entries ($10 value)
- Discounted JBMV Membership for the Current Year ($10 instead of $20)
Offer only available for beginners and first-time participants. And what a deal this is! You get a lot of bang for your buck when you sign up for an adult track class at the Velodrome.
What to Bring
Participants must already be able to ride a bicycle, but do not need to own their own track bike.
Please bring with you:
- Helmet (required)
- Water bottle
- Athletic clothes
- Cycling shoes & pedals (optional)
- Food (the class is four hours long!)
To register for the Advanced Class, you must currently be a Category 4 or higher on the road. Please register for one of our other classes if you don’t have categorized pack racing experience.
Please check your email for up-to-date safety/COVID protocols the week of your class.
Please click the button below and bring your printed and signed ATRA waiver with you on the day of your event, or you can upload it during the registration process. Thank you!