Fall 2018 Important Parking Information

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For All Velodrome Users Beginning September 7th and ending November 4th, Cirque du Soleil will once again have performances at similar times to when the track will be operating. To facilitate parking staff as well as our users, King County … Read More

The 2018 Juniors Report

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Jerry Baker Development Fund Junior Grant Receipts and Fund Information The raise the paddle for the Jerry Baker Development Fund was a huge success. We raised $14,000 specifically for development programs. In 2018, we focused on our junior development by … Read More

Open Position – Race Managers 2019

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2019 Race Night Manager Job Description Want to spend one of your weeknights at the velodrome for the whole season? We are looking for 4 responsible, reliable and enthusiastic individuals to become contracted Race Night Managers. You can apply for … Read More

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